Synthesize the research findings to write your paper. In addition to identifying a clear
research question and describing your search strategy, your paper should critically analyze the
literature on your topic as a whole. Look to thematically analyze, rather than sequentially
analyze each included article. This means that you should examine the columns of the Article
Summary Table and look for themes, strengths, gaps, etc. to discuss. Based on your analysis,
make an evidence based recommendation for nursing practice regarding the practice problem
and relate it to current practice.
7. Write an Abstract to provide a concise summary of your assignment. using the following formate:
– Background:
– Research Question: In healthcare workers (P), what is the impact of stressors (I) on mental health (O) during the Covid-19 pandemic (T)
– Methods:
– Results:
– Conclusion:
– Keywords:
Formatting Requirements:
• Length: 5-7 pages, exclusive of title page, abstract, reference list, and appendices (i.e.
data extraction table). ANY text beyond the seven page limit will not be read for evaluation.
• Include a title page as per APA (7th edition) and refer to the course syllabus for specifics
regarding information on title page (name, student number) when submitting via Turnitin, and
use this format for both the Plagiarism Self-Check and Final submissions.
• Include an abstract (see APA for word count and formatting)
• Include at least one appendix (i.e. data extraction table). Additional appendices may be
included as relevant (i.e. search strategy)
• Appropriately reference sources, both in text and with an appropriately formatted
reference page
• Format as per APA (7th ed), including:
o Appropriate font
o Double spaced, 1 inch margins
o Use of headings and page numbers
o Active hyperlinks are preferred in the reference list when indicated by APA, for ease of
access to sources