I need help to do the discussion part of my lab report” Making hsPPA1 alterations and introducing a DNA vector sample of hsPPA1 for error-prone and site-directed mutations into the bacterial strain E. coli”.
there were couple questions that you can use to discuss about the data section:
-: What are the overall reactions of EcoRV and DpnI, and why were they useful for the cloning strategies in this lab?
– Explain the features of DNA spectra and what parts of the DNA molecule are responsible for these features. Include a chemdraw figure demonstrating the Watson-Crick base pairs.
– Explain duplication and error rate numbers.
-Would the experiment have failed if the PNK (Polynucleotide kinase) reaction was omitted? Explain why or why not?
– Compare the transformation efficiencies result to the value of 0.6 – 1.0 x 109 cfu/µg pUC19 reported by New England Biolabs when transforming a 100% circularized pUC19 vector. Explain your results.
I also upload the lab manual of my lab and my lab report on files section: Please look at that before you do my assigment because it was alot of information. Thank you