Your last essay is another argument essay. The topic is your choice, as long as it directly relates to your anticipated career path. Consider doing an Internet search asking: What are the top five issues in _____ field? Filling in the blank with your anticipated career path. (As a college professor, I would ask: What are the top five issues in higher education field?) Look at that list and consider writing about one of those topics. Take a position on the topic: argue for or against.
Standard MLA formatting with a four-line heading, a centered title, and a header.
Times New Roman
Size 12
Consistently double spaced
Point of View
You must write using third person, objective point of view. You may not use first person (I, me, we, our) or second person (you) in this paper, unless it is within a quote.
Your audience are people in your anticipated career path.
Word Count
Remain within the 500-1500 word count. (Your heading, header, and works cited information are excluded from your word count, according to the grading rubric.)
Your thesis statement should include the word “should.”
Your essay must have a clearly defined and established argument. Take a position.
A good argument will acknowledge (concede or refute) counterarguments.
This assignment does require research; therefore, you must have in-text citations and a works cited page in your essay. You must use three secondary sources; all three are your choice. The secondary sources are your choices but at least two of the three may not be the same type of sources. (You may not have three Internet sources. You may not have three interview sources. You may not have three of any one type of source.)
Since you must use at least three sources, you should have at least three sources listed alphabetically on your works cited page and you should have at least three different in-text citations in your essay.
Please upload your final draft of your argument essay here.
Academic Integrity
TJC is currently using SimCheck as its antiplagiarism resource. When you submit your essay here, it will automatically submit it to SimCheck as well.
My percentage threshold is 35%. No more than 35% of your essay, including your quotes, can be found in other sources. If you submit your essay and SimCheck reports more than 35% of your essay is found in other sources, you need to revise and rewrite your essay so that more than 65% of your essay is your original work. You may submit/upload your essay more than once, as long as you do so before the due date and time.
Review Step 4 of the writing process on page 6 in the fourCE ebook.
Essays that exceed the 35% threshold in SimCheck will receive a grade of five (5).