Choose one story from course readings. Write a well-organized essay of
1200-1250 words (excluding quoted material). Your essay should either * analyze
the story, for example, by focusing on literary elements such as theme, character,
setting, point of view, plot, imagery, metaphor, symbolism, etc., and/or * analyze
the characteristic themes, features, and/or techniques. You may discuss how the
narrative techniques connect to a theme, as we do in class. Narrative techniques
may be stylistic, syntactic, or grammatical. I encourage you to use ideas from our
short in-class writing assignments and discussion board responses (ideas,
prompts) as long as you present them in your writing.
The scoring guide will include (but is not limited to) the following:
● Organization and Details
● Language Conventions (sentence structure, grammar, mechanics)
● MLA Style (spacing, heading, In-text citations, page numbers, works cited
page, etc.)
● Total neither exceeds nor falls below word count (1200-1250 words)
Important: Do not summarize or hand in a personal commentary; do not discuss
the author. You must include concrete details connecting the story elements to
the theme. I will not accept late papers, and I will not grade any essay of 800
words or fewer
Nadine Gordimer “Once Upon a Time” 8 p
Gordimer, Nadine. Jump and Other Stories. 1st ed. New York: Farrar Straus Giroux, 1991.