Qualitative Paper Directions for Assignment
Please read through these step by step directions for a better understanding of the assignment. At the end you will see a video presentation going over the rubric and how to submit.
Approximate lengths of each section outlined below.
Step 1: Introduction
Write an introduction to the topic and end the paragraph with a thesis statement. The introduction should include 2-3 attention grabbing statements and end with 1 concise thesis statement that describes the overall purpose of your paper.
Step 2: Describing Qualitative Research
Describe what qualitative research is in your own words. Then discuss how and what type of Qualitative Data you would collect related to your POI. For example, if I was interested in knowing what it is like to be a parent in the hospital, then I might decide to interview (how) mothers and fathers of Neonatal Intensive Care Unit patients. I would look for themes (based on data saturation collected in interviews) in their answers until I collected enough information to find trends in the data. I might use that data to then develop new teaching methods to better prepare parents for caring for the baby based on the themes uncovered. Be sure to clearly identify that the information you are gathering is qualitative in nature. Sometimes, you might describe a process that could be used qualitatively or quantitatively, like a questionnaire, so it is important to provide enough information to ensure you are demonstrating a thorough understanding of qualitative literature collection. (2-3 paragraphs)
Step 3: Appraisal Tools, Studies and Matrix
Locate your 2 qualitative studies so you can appraise each separately with the tool below. Your studies should be highly similar to the original POI/Clinical question, but some variability is typically permissible. Faculty realize searching for qualitative studies can be more difficult, so some variation may be necessary. However, topics should be highly related/similar to the originally approved POI. For example, if my original topic was looking at Nutrition Management for Type II Diabetes in Adults, I might now look at the stigma associated with Diabetes in the patient and or family member or I might look for self-care measures associated with Diabetes in adults. While neither is the same as the original topic, they are still highly similar because they both discuss Diabetes and management/living with the disease.
One of your studies must be considered a Meta-synthesis or fit into the category outlined in the table below, while the other study must be a qualitative single study;-see table below. Once you have found 2 different qualitative study designs as specified, complete an appraisal tool for each study using the following link. Only complete the section of the tool related to the qualitative appraisal.
Keep in mind that you may need to vary your search strategy to find your qualitative literature. For example, if I am looking at pain tools in children, I may not be able to find any qualitative literature on this specific search, so I will look for a similar topic that impacts the patient such as: anxiety, depression, ICU pscyhosis, sleep disturbances. All of these subtopics may also be impacted by pain in children. Talk to your instructor for guidance if needed.
Qualitative Study Selection Options
You must choose one (1) QUALTITATIVE study from this category (column): You must choose one (1) QUALTITATIVE, Single study from this category (column): DO NOT USE any from this column:
Meta-ethnography Ethnography Any study that is Quantitative only
Meta-synthesis Phenomenology Quality Improvement study/project
Systematic Review – analyzes data qualitatively Grounded theory Literature reviews
Combination of above Case Study Scoping Reviews
Mixed methods Systematic Review, but must analyze data qualitatively Narrative Analysis Integrative Reviews
Historical Studies Implementation Strategies
Action Research Animal studies
Participatory Action Research
Use this tool to complete the appraisals for both qualitative studies separately. Attach the completed tool to your paper or with your assignment. Use the link below to complete. You can save the document as a pdf, use the edit function to fill in or handwrite and scan back into the assignment area.
Appraisal Tool pdf or
Microsoft word version Microsoft word version
Follow all steps carefully as the tool will guide you which steps to move to in each section of the tool.
For help on how to complete the tool, watch this video: “How to Complete the Appraisal”
Creating an Evidence Matrix
The matrix is a continuation of the matrix you originally submitted in Module 3. Therefore, you will now have 4 studies included on the matrix. Highlight or Bold the NEW studies for the qualitative paper appraisal. You need to correct any mistakes or issues that you may have had with the matrix submitted with the quantitative paper or you will be counted off again on this paper. This document will be used again in 611 if you are in the DNP track, so be sure to put it in a safe place that you will be able to easily find again. The matrix should be included as an appendix OR you may upload as a separate attachment if needed. Use either link below to complete, one is a pdf, the other is a word document. You will need to complete the matrix for this assignment If for some reason you can not get the document below to adjust to your margins, you may re-create a document in word using a table format with all the same headings. Be sure you are include all 4 studies on the matrix.
Matrix PDF Version
or Microsoft version
You will need to submit your 2 studies, completed appraisal tools and completed matrix (with each qualitative study added on it for a total of 4) along with your assignment. The documents should be submitted separately with the paper.
Step 4: Article Discussion
Use the information from your appraisal tool to discuss in detail the following information for each study: (2-3 pages)
Purpose or phenomenon, research design and Methodology (steps, procedures and strategies for gathering and analyzing data) used in each study
Data Collection: the discussion must include phenomenon or themes discovered, sample of participants or studies included, how selected, if data saturation was used, etc.
Credibility and Trustworthiness: Discuss concepts of credibility and trustworthiness which include dependability, confirmability and transferability. Each of these terms should be fully discussed to demonstrate understanding. Support the concepts with evidence from each study.
To understand trustworthiness and credibility, check out these links:
Trustworthiness and Credibility Video
Results and Clinical Implications should be discussed.
Level of evidence and quality of evidence ratings (according to tool). Discuss what the level and quality ratings mean in relation to strength of the evidence and decision to sue (or not use) this information to guide practice. You need to fully support this section from evidence in the study and other resources. Understanding the levels of evidence tells you about the type of study performed, design, methods, etc. and if those findings should be applied to your own practice area. Grade of Recommendation is important because it helps you make a judgement about the quality of evidence; together they impact the decision about implementation into practice.
The following tool can be used to help you determine strength and quality, but this information is also listed directly on the tool.
Johns Hopkins Evidence Rating Scale
Other helpful links to understanding this information can be found in the required and recommended resources.
Be sure that you attach your 2 studies to the paper/assignment.
Step 5: Applicability to Practice and Future Research
Discuss the findings from each study in practice and how you will use them to make a change. Review your model selected from the Forum Discussion and determine where you are in the next step of the process of implementation. The discussion should include the EBP or QI model that demonstrates best fit for your POI. Be sure to include why it is a better fit than the other. Next consider what is still needed before changes can be made. Careful consideration of who, what, and how you would implement changes is needed and should detail: stakeholder involvement, financial, structural or process changes needed (at least one of these concepts must be discussed), technology support, ethical considerations such as HIPAA or Institutional Review Board approvals. Support with peer reviewed references. (2-3 paragraphs)
Step 6: Conclusion
Provide a conclusion paragraph to the paper summarizing all main points. A conclusion should NOT state any new information that was not previously addressed in the paper. While it can re-state the purpose of your writing, it should not repeat the thesis verbatim. Additionally, it should summarize the main points of each section.
Step 8: Turnitin
Be sure to submit your paper to turnitin. You do not have to submit your matrix or the appraisal tools to turnitin as they will skew your similarity report findings. Faculty will view your similarity report upon submission. You are expected to view the report for similarity and make any necessary changes, then re-submit prior to the due date.
See Rubric for specific Scholarship deductions.
Page limit: 6 pages, excluding title page, references, appendices and/or attachments.
Submission Info.: Title page, paper, references. The matrix, appraised studies, and appraisal tools should be submitted along with your paper as separate, individual attachments. All documents (paper and other required documents) must be uploaded to the assignment area as a Microsoft Word OR Adobe PDF. The paper (and including additional required documents) should be submitted to the assignment area as a Microsoft word or Adobe PDF Document.
References: you must include at least 2 additional peer reviewed references. All References should be current, no older than 5 years.