Use at least three sources from our sections on Technologies, Cyborg and Otherwise to frame, support, or provide a counterpoint to your argument. (which I will link in the files below for you)
- Writing has clarity, precision, and purpose and meets the basic formatting requirements of the assignment.
- Writing is free of serious errors in mechanics; wording is concise. It makes. precise claims and supports them with specific and relevant examples, and sound, accurate reasoning. Paper is three pages long and uses standard formatting. You include (informal) citations for all ideas and quotes derived from our texts and do not include any outside sources.
- A well-chosen selection of texts are used in the reflection paper.
- At least three sources from our sections on “Technologies Cyborg and Otherwise” are used. Sources are well-chosen for the ideas under discussion and a thorough understanding of the sources is demonstrated. You include sources from a variety of disciplines. You discuss both ideas and sources that support your argument, and clearly articulate your disagreements with ideas from our texts that do not agree with your argument. Your source choice shows a thorough understanding of our materials (i.e. you don’t leave out a text that is clearly relevant to your argument)
- The reflection paper has a clearly expressed argument that is supported well by evidence from texts and class discussions/lectures. You thoroughly answer one of the two questions.
- Your argument is clearly explained; it is consistently supported in the body of the writing. The organization shows a logical arrangement of parts, and all parts are relevant to your argument. Paragraphs have a sharp focus and include carefully selected and cogently analyzed evidence that help to support or nuance your argument. You reflect on how the texts and concepts discussed intersect with your own perspectives.