1) First statement(s) then, how my paper is organized or what is covered in each section following the introduction.
2) What is NPD and PLC
Definitions: What is NPD? PLC defined introduction (in-text references). Then, how are the NPD and the first-to-market (first-mover advantage issue) concepts related to PLC?
3)What are stages in the PLC? (Insert a graph insert the source at the both of it to avoid plagiarism) )
What are the appropriate marketing strategies associated with each PLC stage?
How do managers use the PLC to strategize for international market expansion?
What are the implications of cost-reduction strategies for outsourcing?
Conclusion: (Summary and/or remarks/observations, lessons learned, and/or learning points on the downsides of the PLC concept, and how managers may profitably delay or reverse the PLC’s last stages to delay or avoid complete withdrawal from a market)?
References: (APA STYLE, in alphabetical order and indented)
Please use at least 4 graphs in the essay and list all sources.
Include a cover page and a seperate reference page.