Find a video or auditory presentation related to some topic in biological psychology

Paper Assignment

1. Find a video or auditory presentation related to some topic in biological psychology: topic; Drug Withdrawal Effects. Criteria for video/audio:
a. It must be publicly available for free via the internet. It can’t be from subscription sites.
1. Instructor must be able to access the video easily via the internet.
b. Minimum video length: 5 minutes / Maximum video length: 60 minutes
c. It must cover some content related to this course. (It can’t be a “fluff” piece. Avoid news article presentations as they tend to gloss over the topic.)
1. Examples of suggested videos: TED Talks, TEDX Talks, public information radio (ex. NPR), brief podcast on the topic, professional conference presentation.
d. The presenter(s) name(s) and their qualifications on the topic must be available.
e. You must be able to make clear and explicit connections between course content in this course and specifics from the video.
f. The video has to be from within the last 5 years.
2. Watch the video or listen to the podcast. You will likely have to watch it/listen to it multiple times.
3. Complete the posted “Overview Questions Worksheet” file and submit that to Canvas. You need to open that file and answer the indicated questions and fill out that specific parts of the document. You will then submit that file directly to Canvas as the “Overview Questions Worksheet” assignment. Be sure you include in the actual paper the information required for the paper (see grading rubric), even if some of that information is already included on the Overview Questions Work sheet.
4. See attached grading rubric for more specifics of what is expected in the paper.
5. This is not a research paper. However, when you cite any sources be sure to use APA format. You will also include a reference section which will have the citation for the video you used for this paper.
6. Be careful of plagiarism!!!! Give credit to any work that is not your own (that includes ideas even if they are not a direct quote from the video or other material).
7. Self-plagiarism – yes it’s a thing!
a. Self-plagiarism is turning in work that you have already submitted in another class, or in this class if you are retaking the class, or submitted for publication or in any way previously received credit. Basically, if you have already submitted it somewhere else or received credit for it you cannot submit it as new work for this course. If you have taken this class before, you must use a different video/audio presentation for this new paper and all writing must be original to this assignment.
Things that must be included in your paper (review grading rubric before writing your paper):
1. Specific information about the video (presenters, where located, etc. – see rubric)
2. Summary of presentation
a. This need to be in your own “voice”. Be sure you do not plagiarize. Also do not overuse quoted material. I want this to read like it would if you were sitting down and explaining the content to a friend. It should sound like you, not the person in the presentation.
b. Key points from the presentation should be emphasized in your summary.
3. **Explanation of the course material that relates to the video/audio and any connections are made clear and explicit: (THIS will be the main part of your paper. So don’t give me “fluff” in this.)
a. How does this presentation relate to material from the class?
1. You will need to explain specific material from this course to provide your reader with background information. You have to assume the reader does not have any background in biological psychology. This is your opportunity to explain course content in your own words.
2. You will also explain how the video relates to the content from the course.
b. You need to have depth of content in this part of your paper. Make clear and explicit connection to specific information from this course. You will need to explain the related course content in your own words.
c. This is your opportunity to show me what you know from this course. Do not simply say “this is related to the module on hormones”. That does not tell me that you understand anything about hormones. You need to bring in content from the course and present HOW it relates to the presentation. This will first require you to explain that material as if you are presenting it to someone who has never heard it before. For example, depending on the particular video this might require you to first explain what a hormone is, or what specific hormones are related to that behavior, what regions of the brain are implicated, etc. depending on what we covered in this course. What specific information from class should be included will vary for each paper as the videos are distinct and different. Just keep in mind that this is your opportunity to show me what you have learned from this semester. This is not a research paper so you are not expected to research the topic and include other sources. Instead, you do need to include material specifically FROM this course.
d. Be sure any explanation of content is in your own words. Do not just closely paraphrase the information from the video or class. This is plagiarism even if it is not taken word for word. If you do quote material be sure it is in quotes and properly cited. However, minimize the use of direct quotes. I want to hear your voice in the way information is presented.
4. Explain what you felt was/were the most interesting points made in the video presentation.
5. Explain what you felt was/were the most controversial part(s) or idea(s) in the video presentation.
6. Explain what additional information do you wish had been included/addressed in the video presentation.
1. Submit “Overview Questions Worksheet” file to appropriate submission link in Canvas.
2. Submit the electronic file with your paper to Canvas. Please submit in Word or PDF formats.
a. Note: The file will be checked electronically for plagiarism.
1. Length: Minimum of 2 pages. It is more important that you cover the material well than that there is a specific number of words or pages. However, you absolutely must have at least 2 pages. If you don’t have enough to write about from the video you chose, then choose another video with more substance.
2. Typed, double-spaced, ~12-point font, easily readable font type (such as Times New Roman or Arial), 1 inch margins.
a. It is not critical that a particular font be used it just needs to be easy to read. I don’t care about the margins, etc. – UNLESS you are trying to skate by doing the absolute minimum on this assignment and only have 2 pages. If your assignment is comprehensive and clearly beyond the minimum expectations then I won’t be measuring margins or care if you used 13-point font, etc. I was a student too, I know the power of changing fonts to make a paper look longer. 😉 I want a quality paper, not something solely written to meet minimum specifications.
b. Please do double space as my eyes are not getting any younger.
3. This is not an APA research paper. You do not need all of the parts of an APA research paper (abstract, methods, etc.). You are not doing an experiment or research study.
a. Your writing should be in typical paragraph format. You should have good sentence structure, punctuation, grammar, etc. This is a college level writing assignment.
4. Reference Section. While you don’t need all the parts of a formal APA research paper, you do need to list your video in a Reference section. Put this at the end of the paper. You may only have one reference which is the video you watched. You need to do cite that video in proper APA format. Refer to the links in Canvas for more assistance with how to do a proper APA citation for an online video.
5. Readability – this paper should read with your tone or voice. It should not read like a research study. It needs to be clear that the writing and ideas are your original work.
6. Please keep in mind that an “average” grade in a college level class is a “C”. So, if you find yourself doing the absolute minimum on this assignment the night before it is due, you should not be expecting an “A” simply because you met the minimums. I’m looking forward to reading your excellent papers!

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