Some suggestions on writing your essay: Define any terms that need to be defined (based on how the authors use them, not the dictionary). Clearly state your answer to the prompt and map out how you will develop that answer over the course of the essay. Be sure to use evidence (quotations) from the texts to support your answer. There is no reason to do any outside reading to complete this assignment and sources that we have not used in class should not be used. Please see the essay grading rubric on canvas for additional details.
Standard formatting is expected: 1 in margins, 12 pt size, reasonable font (Times New Roman, Calibri, Garamond, etc.), double spacing, page numbers, title, and appropriate citation using Chicago style. You will only be able to upload to canvas once, so please wait until you have your essay finalized to do so.(there are no revisions)
Essays will be submitted through the canvas and checked for plagiarism. It is recommended that you take advantage of the writing studio.
Standard formatting should be followed: 1 in
margins, 12 pt size, reasonable font, double spaced, page numbers, title, and appropriate citation
using “”””Chicago style””””. Essays will be submitted through Canvas.
Anna Tsing – The Mushroom at the End of the World
use quotes word for word from the book only.