The writer will Research and develop a 12 Slide Powerpoint Presentation with information regarding The Joint Commision andhow it affects nurses working in the hospital: Topics to include:
What is the Joint Commision?
History of the Joint Commsion
What role does the Joint Commision have on healthcare?
What are the 4 roles of the Joint Commision?
What power does the Joint Commision have on hospitals throughout the United States?
How does the Joint Commision protect patient safety in hospitals?
How does the Joint Commission impact nursing practice in healthcare?
How does the Joint Commision affect quality of care?
What is the Joint Commision role in quality improvement?
What is the survey process of the Joint Commision?
Please provide ONLY 5 BULLETS per each slide while providing all the detailed infromtion in the SPEARKER NOTES. DO NOT put paragraph bullets on the slides!
Please provide IMAGES for the slide relating to the topic.
Please provide IMAGES for the slide relating to the topic.
Please provide a short Youtube video clip relating to topic.
Please make sure this Presentation is Neat and Organized.
You can include additional research and sources and add topics.
Please make sure the references and in-text citation is in APA format 7th edition.