Compare how we elect Presidents in our current system to the proposal of the National Popular Vote movement. Which method is superior? Explain your answer.
Writing Guidelines:
4-5 double-spaced pages of text
Write in complete sentences and paragraphs. Bullet points or lists will not be accepted.
Be original
Essays should be submitted in a word processed document.
Margins should be set to at least 1″. Use one of the following typefaces: Arial, Helvetica, Times or Palatino. Set the body of your essay in 12 point type, doubled spaced. Longer quotations can be set at 10 point type, single spaced, if indented.
Include page numbers using the header/footer feature of your word processor.
Include a cover page, with your name, the name of the assignment, the due date, the course number and contact information.
Write in complete sentences.
No bullet points or listing will be accepted.
Feel free to use images and graphs but word counts must be adhered to.
Correct grammar and spelling will be taken into consideration in the evaluation. Do a spell check and proofread your essay before submitting. Read it at least once printed out. You will catch different things on the printed page than you do on screen.
Use the MLA style for citing resources