video link of instructions:
Full instructions in final paper guidlines attachment
I’ ve provided links to the class slides weeks 8-12
2 readings from weeks 8-12
-Green From Colonialism to Reconciliation through Indigenous Human Rights.pdf
-Schabas An Introduction to the Intl. Criminal Court (11-7-16).pdf
3 readings to choose from weeks 1-6
Silbey and Cavicci The Common Place of Law.pdf
Maynard 2017.pdf
OBJECTIVE: Write a critical analysis on human rights in law and society based on the socio-legal perspectives we have explored in this course to strengthen critical thinking, reading, and writing skills.
There are different components to the assignment:
• You should choose a podcast that covers a human rights issue in Canada. The podcast should be at least 20 minutes in length. Alternatively, you can choose a feature article (this is a longer article) of a news outlet, e.g., Macleans, the Globe & Mail, the Toronto Star, etc. that focuses on a human rights issue in Canada.
o Suggestions:
Visit the country page for Canada of Amnesty International ( to give yourself an idea of the kinds of issues that human rights activists have identified in Canada.
Given what we have discussed in the course, I also suggest that you consider focusing on issues related to violence against Indigenous women and girls; violence against women; but you can also consider issues surrounding immigration detention or migrant workers; anti-Black racism.
• Your argument and analysis should reflect the critical application of the course material, especially what we have covered from weeks 8-13, but it should also bring in relevant materials from weeks 1-6.
o The minimal requirement is that you bring in at least four (4) readings from weeks 8-13 as the basis for your argument; two (2) readings from weeks 1-6 to supplement this argument and/or your analysis; and two (2) outside research articles on the human rights issue that you have chosen to focus on. In total, your paper should thus have 8 sources.
o Your paper should draw on relevant lecture material when necessary.
• Your argument and analysis should draw on key concepts and/or frameworks that we have used in the course, explaining and defining them as you incorporate them in your paper.
• In particular, your analysis should focus on how the issue at hand is framed in terms of human rights and what understanding of human rights is being used (e.g., moral, legal, as practice). Your analysis should pay also attention to how the Canadian state and its institutions, international organizations (e.g., the UN) and civil society actors (e.g., NGOs, a particular social movement) are portrayed. It should also pay attention to the relationship between law (domestic or international) and structural inequalities (gender, race, sexuality, class, citizenship, ability, etc). In other words, your main objective is to apply the relevant course material to analyze the podcast/news media article’s key socio-legal issues based on a well-developed argument.
• You should consider some of the following questions to guide you in your analysis:
o Why is the issue at hand framed in terms of human rights?
o What role do power relations and structural inequalities in terms of gender, race, class, sexuality, citizenship, ability, etc play in this framing?
o What understanding of human rights does this framing reflect? Human rights as a moral force? In terms of law? As a practice?
o Do you think that this framing is resonant? Why or why not? Does it adopt “local” understandings of human rights? I.e., does vernacularization play a role here?
o Is this a matter of a failed enforcement of human rights? Is Canada failing to observe its international legal obligations?
o What is the Canadian state expected to do about this human rights issue? Whose expectation is this?
o What are international organizations like the UN expected to do about this human rights issue? Whose expectation is this?
o What role do civil society actors play here?