Use PowerWorld (free version in internet) (preferably) or PSS (free version in internet) where the use of a simulator is required.
Manufacturing process and specifications:
• The work is individual
• The prepared work (i.e. all utterances, procedure, answers, comments, suggestions,
conclusions, etc. they will be included in a comprehensive work in the form of a technique
technical report.
• The writing of the technical report as well as the presentation can be done in Greek or English.
• Appearance and font: Technical report, A4, Calibri or Arial or Times New Roman, 12 pt.
• The technical report should be uploaded to eclass under the “Assignments” menu as one (1) zip file containing the technical report in word and pdf as well as the PowerWord files for each question no later than 5-21-2023.
• All file names that will be uploaded to eclass must have the following format (in Latin characters):
lastname_firstname_AEM_PR_date_XXXXXX (where: date in DDMMYYYY format and XXXXXX something clarifying about the file if you consider it necessary).
• Files that do not adopt the above will not be considered.
• The presentation of the work in PowerPoint but also in the PowerWord/PSS environment will
will take place on dates to be announced and will last fifteen (15) minutes.
Note: This project requires the use of an emulator. The programs available as demo or student programs are:
1. PowerWorld simulator: (recommended as simpler) (also installed in Lab 205 on the last six (6) computers)
2. PSS® power system simulation and modeling software:
Project 1- Analysis of Electricity Systems
The one-line diagram in Figure 1 represents a seven (7) bus power plant.
Figure 1: One-line diagram of an Electricity Network of seven (7) busbars
System details and modeling information
G1: 100 MVA.13.8 kV, X=0.10 per unit
G2: 200 MVA.15.0 kV, X=0.10 per unit
The neutral of the generators is grounded
T1: 100 MVA.13.8Δ kV/230Y kV, X=0.15 per unit
T2: 200 MVA, 16Δ kV/230Y kV, X=0.15 per unit
The neutral of the transformers is grounded
Transport lines
All lines: 230 kV, Z = 0.15+j0.1 Ω/km, Y=j(3.3)10-6 S/km, Maximum MVA=400 Line length: L1=15 km. L2=35km, L3=40km, L4=15km, L5=50km
S= 50 + j30 MVA
Load flow data
Bus 1: Reference balance (Swing bus), V1=13.8 kV, δ1=0o;
Bus 2, 3, 4, 5, 6: Load buses
Bus 7: Voltage control bus, V7=15 kV, PG7=180 MW, -87 MVAR<QG7<+87 MVAR
B: Libra
G: Generator
L: Transmission Line T: Transformer S: Load
System power and voltage bases Sbase=100 MVA (3 phases)
Vbase=13.8 kV (pole voltage) in the region of G1
Step 1: Prepare load flow
a) For the one-line diagram of Figure 1, convert all impedance, load, and voltage data to per unit using the system base data.
b) Next, using the PowerWorld Simulator, create three input data files: busbar input data, line input data, and transformer input data.
Note that bus 1 is the reference bus (swing bus). The purpose for this step of the study is to generate the three load flow input data files and correct the errors before proceeding to the next step. Requires system-by-unit knowledge.
Step 2: Load Flow
a) Run the load flow program and obtain the bus, line and transformer input/output data files prepared in step 1.
b) Suggest at least one method of increasing the voltage level at busbar 4 by 5%. Show the effectiveness of your method by making appropriate changes to the input data of case a) and running the load flow program. The purpose of this step of the work is to use voltage control methods, including the use of generator excitation control, changing and adjusting the tap of transformers, the use of compensation capacitors or other related devices (e.g. SVC (Static Var Compensator ) and STATCOM (Static Synchronous Compensator) and the addition of parallel transmission lines.
c) Suggest ways to reduce the loading of the lines and especially the ones with the highest loading. Show the effectiveness of your method by making appropriate changes to the input data of case a) and running the load flow program.