Films are arranged based on concepts, which correspond to the subjects in chapters from the 15th edition of Looking Out/Looking In. First, students will select a topic of interest (e.g. nonverbal communication) and a film from the list under the topic. Next, the student will watch the film to analyze how communication concepts are used by the characters in the film. Then, the student will write a 4-6 page paper describing, evaluating and applying interpersonal paradigms (described in the text and discussed in the interactive lectures) to the film.
The paper must be in a Word document, double-spaced, 12 font, one-inch margins all around. You are to use an acceptable college level of grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, paragraph structure, and spelling. Be sure to edit your paper carefully before turning it in. Length should be 4-6 pages (You do not need a cover page and it does not counted in length.)