Find an article published in the Journal of Organic Chemistry or Organic Letters that has been published in
the last ten years and contains a mechanism that is at least two combined steps in length.
submit the following in the indicated format:
A two-page maximum summary and critique of the article followed by a recreation of the mechanism(s)
within the paper fabricated using either ChemSketch or MarvinSketch. The summary should include:
– The question(s) or gaps in the literature that the article addresses
– The original work presented in the article
– The experimental approach
note that this is not a recreation of the experimental section and only an overview on how the work was
accomplished is necessary.
– A personal critique suggesting any future work that may be performed to improve or advance the study.
Remember to recreate the mechanism(s) in the article by using ChemSketch or MarvinSketch!!!
*The ChemSketch (.sk2) or MarvinSketch (.mrv) file and tutorial used to create the recreated mechanism will be
attached below*