Integrate two topics from two different chapters in our OB text.
Include at least six citations from reputable business press
This is an academic paper, so while you may use first-person “I,” your tone should be professional and business appropriate. To prevent loss of points, avoid all use of slang, casualness, contractions, and poor grammar and use the following style guidelines:
APA, 7th edition, 12-point font in Times New Roman
Single-spaced, 1” margins
Lastly, good papers use high quality sources. For your paper you must use at least six business sources. These can be books, academic articles accessed through the UTA library databases or high quality “popular press” materials, such as The Wall Street Journal, Harvard Business Review, MIT Sloan Review, The Financial Times, Pew Research, or Business Insider. If you are not certain if an article meets the required standard, you may email me the link for review.
Each source should be cited in text and listed in the “References” section at the end of the paper. Only sources cited in text should be included in the reference list. The reference list should not contain any sources that are not cited in text. You may reference the textbook, but this will not count as an outside source.