Each student will select a well-known enterprise and develop a report no
longer than 3500 words (excluding Executive Summary of no more than one page and references).
The report should critically appraise the application of Strategic Planning vs Emergent Strategy
within the enterprise, drawing upon the wider theory introduced through the module and using
extensive research and critical analysis of the chosen case.
It is worth spending time researching potential companies, as your report must have access to
relevant examples, market data and information. Along with the focus of Strategic Planning vs
Emergent Strategy the report should demonstrate how this has contributed to existing innovations
within the company, and opportunities presented for future innovation.
You must relate content to the relevant theories, focusing upon strategic planning and
emergent strategy, and more importantly apply them to the chosen company justifying your
narrative. The emphasis should not be on the explanation of the relevant theories (keep this
brief) as it is more important to read widely; apply the appropriate strategic management
frameworks and tools; and provide sufficient evidence to show that an appropriate depth of
research and analysis has been undertaken. Marks will be given for embedding suitable
arguments and undertaking analysis. The report should have four sections
– Introduction and Company Context
– Strategic planning vs. Emergent Strategy
– Innovation: Existing examples and opportunities
– Discussion and Recommendations