Your Task:
Part of joining the literary community involves writing essays in which scholars express their interpretations of various texts and the elements within them. Now, you have the opportunity to do the same by writing a 900–1200-word essay.
For the topic of this essay, you will need to choose one of the stories listed below and determine a major theme within it. Then, write an argument in which you explain how the author constructs that theme within the story. Your argument will be supported by addressing at least THREE of the following literary elements:
Narration/point of view
Language usage
That means that you can focus on three equally, or you can focus on one primary element and explain how the others enhance or interact with it.
You may choose from the following stories:
“Dead Men’s Path”
“The Perfect Match”
“The Lottery”
“The House of Asterion”
“Dear George, Love Margaret”
“Scenic Route”
“Haunted Love”
“The Nightingale and the Rose”
“The White Ship”
“The Veldt”
“I, Robot”
Remember: “Love” is a topic; the theme is what the story specifically says ABOUT love.
For tips on writing a literature analysis essay, see Literature Essay Writing Tips.
Your essay must meet the following technical requirements. If it does not, it will automatically receive a zero.
Length: 900-1200 words (not counting the works cited page).
Format: It should be formatted according to MLA 7 style guidelines. See the Resources page for examples.
Sources: You must have at least one source: the story that you are analyzing. If you used any other sources, they must also be properly cited according to MLA documentation guidelines.
File Type: Your essay must be submitted as a doc, docx, or pdf file. No other file types will be accepted. Make sure your word processor is capable of saving the file that way. DO NOT copy and paste your work into the text box.
Submission: Late assignments will not be accepted unless you fall under one of the categories detailed under the “Late Work Policy” on the syllabus. This assignment is due Sunday, February 26th.
If any part of the essay shows signs of academic dishonesty or plagiarism, it will receive a zero and you must speak to me. If you are not sure what counts as academic dishonesty or plagiarism, review the Academic Dishonesty policy in the syllabus. If you still aren’t sure, speak to me.
Your rhetorical analysis will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
Argument: Does the essay present a clear, logical, well-organized and well-thought-out argument in support of its thesis? Does it have a clear introduction, body, and conclusion? Does it stay focused and sufficiently respond to the prompt?
Evidence: Does the essay draw upon sufficient evidence from the text to support its thesis? Is the evidence accurate to the story? Does it use the appropriate jargon correctly?
Analysis: Does your interpretation show close reading abilities, sound reasoning, and a willingness to dig beneath the surface? Does it state something beyond the obvious?
Clarity: Is the essay written in a clear, coherent manner that displays a firm grasp of the English language?
Documentation: Is the essay in MLA format, complete with correct documentation? Does it have adequate intext citations? Does it have a works cited page?