Lucas is a 13 year old boy who is facing somes issues ( Case study in file below).
Introduction- Explore the importance of teachers and councellors having self awarenessn when supporting children’s weelbeing. Use academic references to explain
Analyse Lucas’ troubelling behaviours and cirmcunstances and link it to theorists using references.
- Example: Lucas is suffereing from loss of his grandmother and father flew meaning he has attachment issues. Explain using references
- Lucas is late meaning he could be lacking basic needs such as sleep, link to maslow hierachy of needs with references
- Explore other issues he has and link to Piaget, Bandura and Goleman theory
Section 2-
1.1-Discuss Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). Start by explaining what CBT is and the history behind it with references. Then apply it to Lucas’ probelms and how CBT can help him. What problems faced by him could be tackled with CBT theraphy? (800 words)
Possible arguments
- Cheaper and shorter
- He can talk about his feelings
- Can be used in schools
- Add others
Talk about CBT, the pros, the cons, how would it be implemented in a school setting, are there any ethical issues? Why would it be affective to help Lucas ?Always link to reading and reference findings
1.2- Discuss Art theraphy. Start by explaining what it is and how the history of it. Then explain how it can be affective for Lucas’ probelms. He mentions he is good at art and video games. How could this be explored with art theraphy?
Talk about Directive and non directive art theraphy, the pros and cons, how would it be implemented in a school setting ? What does a section look like? How could this help Lucas. Always use references and reading to support points (800 words)
Section 3- Discuss how systems approach could also be an alternative to help Lucas with his family issues, discuss how it can be implemented at home, discuss how this links to attachment theory and loss (300 words)
Compare all approaches with pros, cons and limitations. Discuss how all could be helpfull for Lucas, give an overview of all approaches
Conclusion – briefly discuss on all aproaches and conclude CBT would be the most affective for short term and quicker results while art theraphy would deeper solve Lucas’ probelms long term.