To what extent are language and social cognition intertwined in infancy and childhood?

Please also note that the use of ChatGPT will be screened using a set of evolving
I want to see that you are able to make a persuasive claim and support it using evidence
from primary sources (i.e. journal articles). To do this, you will need to demonstrate
that (1) you understand the broader context in which these debates are situated,
(2) you can critically evaluate scientific papers and (3) you know how to generate
novel insights into the question at hand (for instance, you might propose identify a
gap in our knowledge and propose a follow up study to address it, and/or you might
highlight an issue with past work that has not been addressed).
Your paper will pick a side (yes or
no), and argue for it. Taking a stance does not mean you should ignore
counter arguments! Rather, you should weight your arguments against
counter arguments and explain why your stance is well supported.
• Your claims should be supported by research from primary literature.
• You should have at least 10 citations. These must be citations from
primary literature as opposed to text books or web sources. Please use
APA style and include a reference section.
. Follow APA guidelines for formatting and
referencing. Headings and sub-headings are encouraged but not required.
Where to look for primary literature:
Start with something like Google Scholar ( If you can find a
review, read it carefully and look at the citations therein. You can also use the
psych search engine PsycNET ( 
Please use 12-point font and double spacing. Respect the word limit. Part of the
goal is for you to write a concise paper. Follow APA guidelines for formatting and
referencing. Headings and sub-headings are encouraged but not required.
What we’ll be looking for:
• Clear question/statement of interest
• Clear description of context or framework in which this question/topic is
• Why is this an important question/topic?
• Clearly stated thesis and aims of paper
Paper body 
• Scope and breadth of reading
• Relevance aspect of reading are discussed
• Has the student understood the evidence and used the evidence properly
to support/refute arguments (e.g. have they described studies in an
appropriate level of detail)?
• Summary of main ideas (is the paper tied together?)
• Does the paper answer the question that it sought to answer and/or
achieve the goal it sought to achieve?
• Original thought/unique perspective (e.g. ideas for future study, novel
insight, clear statement of what is lacking in our current understanding of a
given problem)

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