In what ways do reform initiatives (policies) e.g., A Nation at Risk, No Child Left Behind, Race to the Top, First to the Top (Tennessee), Every Student Succeed Act effect students in Tennessee urban inner-city public schools?
- How did the NCLB Act impact students in public schools in urban schools?
- How are high stakes standized tests impacting students in urban public schools?
β’ Language in reform policies
β’ Tennessee standardized test accountability measures
1. Create an infographic that illustrates the education reform initiatives e.g., A Nation at Risk, No Child Left Behind, Race to the Top, First to the Top (Tennessee), Every Student Succeed Act.
2. Provide a brief description of the public education reform initiatives listed above.
3. Provide a description of the First to the Top Act
3. Discuss how standardized testing impacts students in Tennessee urban inner-city schools
4. Discuss ow language in policies informs power and influence.
5. How has No Child Left Behind impacted students in Tennessee dating back to 2002.
6. Illuminate the how words and languages inform and shape beliefs, attitudes, and perceptions e.g.,
A Nation at Risk
No Child Left Behind
Race to the Top
First to the Top
Every Student Succeed Act
Create an infographic (timeline).