Choose one (1) question to answer from the four questions listed on page 2 of this document.
Formatting: Use double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font with no space in between
paragraphs, 1-inch page margins, justified paragraph alignment, and limited to 4 pages or less.
Save your word processing document as a PDF (use “Save As” → PDF) to preserve formatting.
Headings: Label your paper with a normal heading on the top left-hand corner of your paper. Do
not insert a heading into your paper. Headings must be single-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman
font, and aligned to the left. Headings must contain only the following information:
Last Name, First Name
Soc483, ASU, Essay #
Question #
Date of Submission
Quoting & Citations: You may use no more than four direct quotes from the required readings to
answer your question. This does not include quoting single words or concepts. Cite all quotes and
paraphrasing by providing the last name of the author, the year of publication, and the page
number. For example, (Du Bois, 1903: 2). Quotes should not exceed three lines of text, so
paraphrase when possible and quote only the most critical passages. No reference page required.
Expectations: To earn the best grade you will demonstrate (a) an in-depth knowledge of the topics
and major theoretical concepts discussed in the assigned readings, (b) the ability to compare and
connect theories as they might apply to various social situations, and (c) the ability to create an
original sociological argument using theory. Additionally, you will demonstrate attention to detail
and adherence to exam instructions. Work independently; plagiarism will result in an automatic
grade of “0” and the incident will be reported to the office of academic integrity. For more
information, see the grading rubric below on page 3. For helpful tipsfor writing essays and reading,
see the announcements on the Canvas course website.
Style & General Guidelines: Use complete sentences in paragraph form with proper grammar,
style, syntax, and usage. Strive to use active voice (as opposed to passive voice) and provide
evidence to back up your claims. Provide detail and examples to flesh out your argument but be
concise and purposeful in your writing. Focus exclusively on the required readings and lectures
when writing your answer. Clearly define all important terminology.ESSAY #1 INSTRUCTIONS:
Choose one (1) question to answer from the four questions listed on page 2 of this document.
Formatting: Use double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font with no space in between
paragraphs, 1-inch page margins, justified paragraph alignment, and limited to 4 pages or less.
Save your word processing document as a PDF (use “Save As” → PDF) to preserve formatting.
Headings: Label your paper with a normal heading on the top left-hand corner of your paper. Do
not insert a heading into your paper. Headings must be single-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman
font, and aligned to the left. Headings must contain only the following information:
Last Name, First Name
Soc483, ASU, Essay #
Question #
Date of Submission
Quoting & Citations: You may use no more than four direct quotes from the required readings to
answer your question. This does not include quoting single words or concepts. Cite all quotes and
paraphrasing by providing the last name of the author, the year of publication, and the page
number. For example, (Du Bois, 1903: 2). Quotes should not exceed three lines of text, so
paraphrase when possible and quote only the most critical passages. No reference page required.
Expectations: To earn the best grade you will demonstrate (a) an in-depth knowledge of the topics
and major theoretical concepts discussed in the assigned readings, (b) the ability to compare and
connect theories as they might apply to various social situations, and (c) the ability to create an
original sociological argument using theory. Additionally, you will demonstrate attention to detail
and adherence to exam instructions. Work independently; plagiarism will result in an automatic
grade of “0” and the incident will be reported to the office of academic integrity. For more
information, see the grading rubric below on page 3. For helpful tipsfor writing essays and reading,
see the announcements on the Canvas course website.
Style & General Guidelines: Use complete sentences in paragraph form with proper grammar,
style, syntax, and usage. Strive to use active voice (as opposed to passive voice) and provide
evidence to back up your claims. Provide detail and examples to flesh out your argument but be
concise and purposeful in your writing. Focus exclusively on the required readings and lectures
when writing your answer. Clearly define all important terminology.