• Participation
o Who were the participants in the study- sent an email to two faculty members asking to please send out our survey to their undergraduate and graduate students
o How were they selected-had to meet criteria and randomized
o How many participants make up the sample- we needed at least 10 valid participants
o How many participants are in each group.
o What are the demographics of the same;? See attached survey uploaded
Region of Residence
Other Relevant Characteristic
• Description of your survey
o Provide the reader with information about your survey
o Discuss how the survey was developed
o Give a few example questions and talk about the rating scale
i.e. “1”= strongly agree, “2”= Agree…)
• Procedure- how you distributed and collected your surveys
o Describe what was done, when (March of 2023), where (university), and how each step was completed-ONLINE SURVEY-LINK PROVIDED
o Include how the participants were contacted
o How informed consent was addressed-PROVIDED IN THE BEGINNING OF SURVEY
o How the instruments were administered and in what order
o Instructions that were given to the participants
o How experimental conditions were manipulated
o Information that might impact the participant responses or investment in the study (e.g., what incentives, if any, were offered) should be disclosed)
o When possible, copies of informed consent, instructions given to participants, and the actual instrumentation should be included in the appendixes of the document
• Data Analysis: What software you used to analyze your results and what statistical process you used
o What now? What are some directions for future research?
PLEASE FOLLOW METHODS SAMPLE 1 and 2 in uploaded documents. Questions to follow are listed under outline and samples uploaded as well.
Another source of help is the powerpoint uploded only slides 1-7
book that can be used as a source is
Sheperis, C. J., Young, J. S., & Daniels, M. H. (2017). Counseling research:
Quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Pearson.Sheperis, C. J., Young, J. S., & Daniels, M. H. (2017). Counseling research:
Quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Pearson.Sheperis, C. J.,