Research papers must be between 8-10 pages in length and address a topic not covered in any
previous paper or assignment. Papers should analyze a topic or theme across two or more
Disney films. At least one of these films must be a film we have not watched for class. You are
required to use a minimum of eight sources in your paper – six academic, peer-reviewed
sources and two sources from our class materials. Need to find a Disney movie we haven’t seen, the Disney movies we have seen are at the bottom of the fileNeed to find a Disney movie we haven’t seen, the Disney movies we have seen are at the bottom of the syllabus. Then I also need you help me write the ouline and Final Project Annotated Bibliography .I gave the EXAMPLES below. he asked to use 2 in-classsources, I can give you my university account , the class is wgss325.I gave the EXAMPLES below. he asked to use 2 in-class resources, I can give you my account number , the class is wgss325.