The following information should be included:
1.Historical background surrounding the topic
2.Anaylsis of revelant and applicable statistics
3.Description/analysis of the fumctionalist and conflict perspectiveswithin the context of the topic
4.Description/analysis of other socialogical perspectives within the context of the topic, where appropriate
5.Articulation of the individual’s arguments
6.Discussion of the future implications of the topic for American society
7.Position on the subject that considers a Christian perspective(i.e., what does the Bible or the Christian tradtion say about this subject)
please include the following references with the 7 additional references>eyesontheproze-civil-rights-today,>classroom-materials>civil-rights-movement-the-post-war-united-states-1945-to-1968,and htps://>doi.full.socf.was-the-civil-rights-movement-successful-?-tracking-and-understanding-black-views