doing question 1 on there just need eveything as she needs it and no playgerasiam .
Hannibal Lecter and Jame Gum (aka Buffalo Bill) from Silence of the Lambs are
“dark” characters, terrifying killers. Despite their extenuating or qualifying traua producing circumstances, Aileen Wuornos, as well as Tim (the character/narratr and the soldiers in The Things They Carried know the power of committing cruel and violent acts. When do we say that a given character is truly evil, or at least when, as Tim says,are they “capable of evil” (“Ghost Soldiers”, p. 200)? What is your definition of humanevil? Focus on The Silence of the Lambs and either Aile Wuornos or some incidents and figures from The Things They Carried
Consider that not only are we repulsed, but also fascinated by the commission ofatrocities. We therefore seek to understand (even as we condemn) what is not entirelyforeign to us. What role does moral value play in your definition of human evil? Is the word “predator” necessary? How do you address the damaged self of personality disorder and trauma in your definition, especially since “evil” isn’t t pically one of the words thats used by psychology. Use aspects of these characters actions, behaviors, and thoughts to define and illustrate your ideas. Be sure to provide evidence from the fictions/documentaries and include as support appropriate discussions from the psychological literature we’ve considered on Anti-Social Personality Disorder,Psychopathy, and Sociopathy, “The Structure of Evil” by Christopher Bollas and Trauma and Recovery by Judith Herman. Compare and contrast the characters you write about to illustrate your thoughts about evil. When and why are you the most repulsed, attracted, sympathetic—how do these responses affect your definition?