This is for a medical sociology class that discusses the impact of socioeconomic status and society as a whole as to how it impacts our health. Essentially health disparaties. please write a detailed research paper/essay on how excessive social media use can lead to substance abuse and alcohol abuse USING THE POINTS I PROVIDE in the attached paper outline and slideshow. Please also incorporate 10 DIFFERENT sources than the ones I used in the attachments as they were not approved for the paper. Please use ACADEMIC AND SOCIOLOGY related sources and also incorporate medical sociology concepts and theories such a intersectionality, health desparaties etc. I have attahced the rubric as well. THANK YOU LOTS!! PLEASE DONT HESISTATE TO ASK QUESTIONS!
here are a few resources given by the professor to finding good sources. ONLY IF YOU NEED HELP
1) Using Sociological Abstracts: On the MSU library homepage, select “Databases” (under the search bar), then search for Sociological Abstracts, then use key terms related to your topic to search for sociology sources.
2) Backwards Citation search: Find a key, relevant paper on your topic, then find the studies that paper cites, and the papers that paper cites, etc.
3) Forwards Citation search: Find a key, relevant paper, use Google Scholar to search for that paper then select the “Cited By” option and check the box for “Search within articles” to keyword search within articles that cite the key paper.