Discussion Unit 5 (Lesson 9)
Take something from the learning this week and talk about how you will apply it in your classroom. Be sure to reference what you saw in the webinar and the lesson you viewed. Response must answer everything in full. (Minimum of 150 words single spaced. Be sure to cite and add references if necessary. APA format)
Please refere to the readings and videos below to succcessfully complete this:
Explicit Instruction/OTR
Just being present in the classroom does not equate to learning. As an educator you will need to elicit responses (opportunities to respond) and then make instructional decisions using the information (formative assessment).
In this lesson, you will explore a lesson that is expertly designed to be explicit in nature and have high opportunities for student response. You will then consider Schlechty’s Levels of Engagement and Archer’s The Magic is in the Instruction. If you would like to explore further, there are links to a short video and handout on opportunities for students to respond.
You will then explore what formative assessment is and how it can best be used to support student learning.
Lesson 9 Resources:
1.) Visit explicitinstruction.org and view a lesson clip taught by Dr. Anita Archer. You may choose any grade level and content you would like.
Elementary Video Examples: https://explicitinstruction.org/video-elementary/https://explicitinstruction.org/video-elementary/
Secondary Video Examples: https://explicitinstruction.org/video-secondary-main/https://explicitinstruction.org/video-secondary-main/
2.) Watch this short video on student engagement: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=256hluHbp2ohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=256hluHbp2o
3.) ) View this webinar to understand why. Please note that it is an hour long and should be viewed in its entirety: