- You will write a fairy tale from another perspective, point of view, or some other twist.
- This paper has two parts:
- Story
- Reflection and Analysis
- 1000-2000 words total (including both parts).
- You can choose how much page space to dedicate to each part as long as it adds up to the word requirement.
- Include both parts (story & reflection/analysis) in a single document.
- Remember: for google docs, your settings must “allow anyone to access” as “viewers” or we can’t read it.
First, rewrite a story of your choice by 1) choosing to tell the story from another character’s point of view, 2) choosing to place the story in a (different) historical context, or 3) choosing to tell the story by emphasizing gender, race, class dynamics, etc.
The second part of this assignment includes a reflection and analysis of your storytelling. In this section, you should consider these questions:
- Why did you tell the story in the ways that you did?
- What rhetorical choices did you make and why?
- How did the choices you made reflect the kind of reading and discussion we have had in class about the different versions of fairy tales?
- How does your story compare, differ from, or relate to other stories?
- How does your story relate to some of the scholarly readings?
Helpful Hints
- You can adapt any of the stories we’ve read for this class or in Tartar’s book.
- Your adaptation should have a purpose, a goal, something you want to bring to light about the fairy tale, time period, ethnic/national group, gender, etc.
- Remember that there are two distinct parts to this assignment: rewriting the story and explaining the choices you made as a writer.
- Be interesting! Think about imaginative ways to introduce and develop your topic.
- Remember, “show, don’t tell.” Use detail, description and dialogue when appropriate.
- Remember to include a title.
- Include at least one quote from another source in your reflection or analysis and a works cited page.