4 Short Essays need to be analyzed thoroughly based on the lessons that you were taught. Your original opinions are more valuable to me than any copied analysis which does not reflect your understanding and knowledge.
Please, read the question carefully before you answer.
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Please see below what approximately you need to cover for selected essays.
1. Pablo Picasso Guernica ( explain the political side of the story, include Picasso’s bio , the style, color symbols etc.)
2. Eduard Manet Le Dejenuer sur L’Herbe Luncheon on the Grass ( explain why this painting considered as a first Modern painting).
3. Chose your favorite artist.
4. Compare and Contrast Ingres’ Grande Odalisque and Delacroix’s Odalisque-(What does Odalsique mean, how they differ in style, in colors, warmth, way of painting, what do you think about position of women throughout history etc)