Learning Goal: I’m working on a english multi-part question and need guidance to help me learn.
- What did you like about the text?
- What did you dislike about the text?
- What do you learn about Gregor and the other characters?
- What passages do you find especially striking as examples of the author’s style?
- What passages seem suggestive of theme, tone, or symbol?
- How does Kafka create suspense in the novella?
- What question(s) do you have about what you read?
After reading the article, write your answers to the following questions in your reader response journal. Be sure to copy each question into your reader response journal and record your response underneath. You will submit your reader response journal at the end of the lesson.
- What additional features of the historical context does this article discuss?
- Do you think twentieth-century people were more likely to be “trapped� than previous generations of people were?
- What effect does it have on people’s lives when they describe themselves as trapped?
- How does this quote from the article shape your understanding of the story? Provide textual details in your response.