Research proposal – 1500 word limit (excl. references and appendices)
Research proposal
Each student is required to write a research proposal discussing the marketing research problem, the gap in the literature, justification for the intended research, main literature sources, basic propositions/hypotheses and intended methodological approach. You may use this project as a starting point for your final business consultancy project.
You may structure your research proposal based on the following outline:
Research title
Abstract and key words
1. Introduction
– Statement of the problem- a critical exploration of the research problem
Why are you undertaking the research? Any gap in the literature? What will be the gain in knowledge?
– Research question(s)-
One of the central components of the research problem
– Aim of the study
– Research objectives and rationale- -should lead to greater specificity
– Scope of the study
2. Key literature review
– Cover both contextual and conceptual aspects
– What theoretical issues will you examine? Why?
3. Conceptual framework
– Based on your literature review, clarify your research questions?
-Develop a conceptual framework/working model as a guide to your research
– Formulate research hypothesis or research proposition
4. Methodology
– Explain your research philosophy, research approach and strategy, research design, methods of data collection and data analysis
Research philosophy includes Ontology– what is the nature of reality? E.g. realism, relativism, nominalism, etc. Epistemology – what is considered acceptable knowledge? E.g., Positivism, interpretivism, pragmatism, etc. You need to clearly state the ontological and epistemological perspectives of your research.
Research approach (to theory development) – Explain whether your research follows inductive, deductive or abductive research approach.
Research strategy- Explain whether your research adopts qualitative, quantitative or mixed research strategy
Research design- Explain whether you will conduct exploratory vs conclusive (descriptive and explanatory/causal) research, and whether your research follows cross-sectional or longitudinal approach.
Explain your methods of data collection (e.g. survey) and your sampling strategy
Explain your research questionnaire design and pilot test procedure
Address reliability and validity issues of your research. Explain which constructs and questionnaire items you intend to adopt or adapt.
Explain methods of data analysis
5. Ethical considerations and procedure
6. Limitations of the study
7. Resources (e.g. Finance) and planning, timescale- Gantt chart
8. References (cited in the text); background reading.