This doc needs to be rewrited into the Secondury Research , in
1 Introduction needs citations and give a statement of the problem.
2 Aim of the research,3 Research Objectives and 4 Research questions– we have to change for the secondary research.
5 Literature review– needs to be modifyied for secondary reserch and we must have 6 Leterature Review.
7 Contextual Factors–we have to adjust, the lecturer said( is too long, it needs to be briefly), I have to read and analyse content and pik up the info what is significant for my study.
8 Individual Factors– again is too long needs to be adjusted as in Contextual Factors, pik up the info what is significant for my study.
9 Research Methodology– here we have to explain what is Interpretism- show citations, and why I chosen and I need to justify it.
I need to explain what is Inductive Approch,than Qualitative Method
10 Analysis Of data–lecturer said I must have citation.
The Format References must be Harvard style- every year must be in brackets.
I attach the lecturer structures bellow, it has to be followed strictly and related to the UK Health Care sector