Goal #1. Begin this activity by downloading a copy of the Prospectus Template Download Prospectus Templateand placing the miniature literature review and references into the template.
Goal #2. Locate the problem statement and purpose statement segments in the prospectus template. Use the instructions in both segments to produce the problem statement and purpose statement. Afterward, place both statements into the prospectus template.
Goal #3. What is Your Problem? will have you sketch a rich picture of the problem motivating your dissertation. Make sure you address the discussion question while drafting the problem statement!
Goal #4. After drafting the problem and purpose statements, review Chapters 6 and 7 of Creswell (2018) while paying special attention to The Research Questions. Using his advice, create two or three central research questions and place them into the Research Questions segment of the prospectus template.
I have included the template and a sample paper for your review.