there are some ideas and questions my professor is asking to provide in the paper.
Policies on violence against women
act state and federal level policies
How the community is connected with the
intimate partner violence
3 scholarly review articles and 1
popular article
Data set
3 laws or policies in total On Major
policy or law on federal and/or state and/or city level on
women violence
Information or articles online on the effectiveness of each policy
or law
How the local policy connects or
disconnects at the local level in a
Strengths and weakness of the policy
that impacts the communities
Are Fed or state-level policies far
from Community
additionally, Argue future policies that are or should be proposed that are not present. and how the communities can be made aware of the policies
to consider
Laws that are already in place on
different levels
Laws of different levels of policy
and popular articles on the existing policy or laws on women’s rights and
And Also I want an outline of the paper that will consist of one page.