Incentives and Rewards: How do extrinsic motivators affect intrinsic motivation for learning in Secondary Schools

Research essay on the following topic

and Rewards: How do extrinsic motivators affect intrinsic motivation for
learning in Secondary Schools

I have written an introduction. It must have the following components:


Literature Review

Methodology and Method

– Qualitative content analysis 

– Explain how you sourced the
data to be analysed (if possible aim for 20 articles); note how the articles
are bound (key words for selection, timeframes, written in English, etc.
(Module 3 – content analysis)

– Explain analytical process –
use Braun and Clarke – Thematic analysis(Module 5)

Findings and Discussion


Conclusion and Recommendations

The introduction i have already written

This research aims to identify what is in the research
surrounding how do extrinsic motivators affect intrinsic motivation for
learning in secondary schools. (DEFINE EXTRINSIC AND
) All school settings use a range of incentives and rewards and
for different reasons. This scoping review will seek to clarify whether
incentives and rewards have a positive or negative effect on students’
intrinsic motivation for learning. Within many schools, teachers within these
institutions create many reward systems to and as schools move toward whole
school approach to reward systems. I would like to know how these reward systems
affect student intrinsic motivation for learning.

As a Leading teacher in a government secondary school, I
have personally have always used incentives at sporadic times to give joy to
students and also goals to work towards in their learning which was away from
the academic goals they have in their repertoire. I have seen many schools in
my region start to move to school-wide incentive programs to improve student
use of the school values in recent times including the school I work at during
the present time. This venture was the reason I have chosen to pursue a study
into Incentives and rewards and whether they are effective in increasing
intrinsic motivation within secondary school students and how we can strengthen
and improve our programs for the future to benefit both junior and senior

I have provided the rubric for this assessment as well as many readings which need to be used in the findings and discussion section which is all attached

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