This assignment culminates what you have learned throughout this course by assembling a completed research plan. It will contain all the components of the plan you developed during the preceding modules of the course. Keep in mind that you have been revising and improving these individual components as your knowledge of qualitative inquires broadened and depth of understanding increased.
TOPIC: Exploring the Perceived Impact of Nurse-patient Relationship on Health Outcomes of Adult Patients Living in the United States
- Introduction: background and rationale of the qualitative study
- Problem of the qualitative study
- Purpose of the qualitative study
- Literature Review Map
- Definitions of terms specific to the qualitative study
- Research questions of the qualitative study (including a minimum of two and maximum of three research questions; and you may only need main research questions depending on the problem and purpose)
- Propositions
- Research design: constructs, target population, sampling (sample composition and size), unit of analysis, and qualitative inquiry framework
- Data collection procedures
- Data analysis procedures
- Role of the researcher
- Credibility of the qualitative study
- Significance of the qualitative study
- Limitations of the qualitative study
- Target audience (Whom does your research intend to influence?)
- Discussions
Additionally, your paper should include a title page, an abstract, and references pages that do not count toward the overall page count. Your paper should include at least 10 peer-reviewed sources in support of your research plan.