You will be writing a two page paper comparing and contrasting two different museums you will be visiting online or in person(depending on access and availability).
The following is a list of Virtual Museums you can tour, if you would like to tour another museum not listed make sure you get approval from your instructor.
You can access these by clicking on the red Link.
Typed in Times New Roman, 12-point font, and Doubled-spaced
B. 2 Page Written Pages (500 words minimum)
Compare and Contrast
Make sure to answer the following questions in your writing:
1. What are the similarities and differences between the two museums you visited?
For example are the art collections of artwork the same? Are they the same size? Are they located in the same area?
2. What is the purpose of each museum? Does it achieve or not achieve its purpose?
For example some museums only carry work based on a period from Art History, while others only carry art based on preservation of a culture.
3. Did anything stand out as you where touring the museum?
For example some museums set up tours in 360 vs collections, and this can alter your experience.
4. Did this assignment change your view point on art?
C. Images
If you are including any images, please attach them on a sperate page.
D. Citations
APA format