Select a crime problem for your Capstone, either serial killings or first degree murder ( you can choose whichever one you find the most sources for)// you should start searching various academic databases, such as Galileo, Google-Scholar, JSTOR, PsycINFO, Sociological Abstracts, EBSCOHost, etc. for empirical research articles from peer-reviewed academic journals. Over the semester, you are required to review 4 such research reports. The first review must be of an empirical research article that studies how your crime problem was measured.
Since the class is about Criminal Justice and Criminology, the journals from which you select your articles for review must be from Criminal Justice, Criminology, or a related social science discipline such as Psychology, Sociology, or Political Science. Do not use journals from the following fields: Health Sciences, Public Health, Environmental Health, Medicine, Nursing, Epidemiology, Business Administration, Computer Science, Information Technology, Education, or any non-social science field. Formatting should be APA 6th and paper should be double spaced.