Addressing Gender Disparity in the Cannabis Industry: A Comprehensive Policy Proposal

Budget and Cost Analysis of Alternative Approaches (approximately 20 pages plus appropriate tables and charts): Identify alternative solutions or responses to the problem identified in the first assignment. Then provide a budget and cost-benefit, cost-effectiveness, or cost-utility analysis. Finish the paper by describing the proposed policy solution for the CEO, board, or other leader in the organization. A major component of your grade is your ability to provide a strong rationale for your recommendation. (35 points, 35% of grade, grade, due during at the scheduled final examination time)

Quantify the attached file and information with tables, charts, and citations—NO AI writing.


The underrepresentation of women in the cannabis industry is a critical issue that demands urgent attention. This paper aims to identify effective solutions and responses to this disparity. Through a thorough examination of the existing barriers and challenges faced by women in the industry, this study proposes a comprehensive policy solution that combines targeted initiatives, education, mentorship, and regulatory changes. Furthermore, a budget and cost-benefit analysis are provided to assess the feasibility and potential impact of the proposed policy.


The cannabis industry is rapidly expanding, presenting significant economic opportunities. However, women remain significantly underrepresented in this sector, limiting their ability to capitalize on these opportunities. This gender disparity not only perpetuates inequality but also hinders the industry’s potential for growth and innovation. Therefore, it is imperative to identify and implement solutions to promote gender diversity and inclusion within the cannabis industry.

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