Applied Sciences MSW 6008-Week 8 – Signature Assignment: Assemble an Interdisciplinary Therapeutic Team to Deliver Services to an Identified Diverse Popul

For this assignment, select one of the scenarios below. Your task is to assemble an interdisciplinary therapeutic team to deliver services in your chosen scenario.

Develop a PowerPoint presentation to present to the therapeutic team you have assembled. 

Determine who the team members are, why you have selected that profession for inclusion as part of the team, the evidence-based interventions you will use, and the individual roles of each team member as well as how the team will work together (Hint: For Scenario 1, think more ‘micro’ level- Mrs. Jones is your client; for Scenario 2, think more macro level- the school is your client.)

Select three primary goals for the team to address with the client system.

Be sure you clearly operationalize the role and responsibility of each team member, as well as explain the intervention or strategy each might use to accomplish the goals. 

Finally, describe how you will evaluate the team’s effectiveness in accomplishing the goals you set forth.   

Incorporate appropriate animations, transitions, and graphics as well as speaker notes for each slide. The speaker notes may be comprised of brief paragraphs or bulleted lists and should cite material appropriately. Add audio to each slide using the Media section of the Insert tab in the top menu bar for each slide. 

Scenario 1:

Mrs. Jones is an 84-year-old, African American woman who lives by herself in subsidized housing in a large, inner-city neighborhood. Her husband of 58 years recently passed away. While Mrs. Jones is in fairly good physical health, she does require medication management for diabetes and some assistance with daily living activities. The nurse’s aide who visits her twice per week recently reported she is at increased risk for falls, particularly when bathing herself and other personal care activities. She has Medicare coverage but has a lot of out-of-pocket expenses Medicaid doesn’t cover for her care, and medical debt remaining from the care for her deceased husband. While some of the residents in her apartment complex stop by to check in on her from time to time, Mrs. Jones has no family in the area, is becoming more isolated, and demonstrating symptoms of depression. She barely makes ends meet on her social security check each month, and the nurse’s aide has also reported she may be at risk for food insecurity. She has limited resources, and it is increasingly difficult for her to use the public transportation system to get to a grocery store. Mrs. Jones used to attend church functions twice per week but finds it difficult for her to attend services, and she has stated she “just doesn’t want to be around people anymore.” She has stated she would like to live independently for as long as possible and does not wish to move into assisted living. The manager of the apartment complex has reported she left the stove burner on in her kitchen at least twice during the past month. Fortunately, a neighbor smelled the pan burning and helped her. The manager states these accidents are a danger to the health and safety of all residents, and he may recommend a non-renewal of her lease, which expires in 3 months. 

Scenario 2:

Wagner Elementary School is a public K-5 institution, located in Miller County in the Southeastern U.S. The county is largely rural, with Wagner serving children in the only urban area of Miller County- the county seat. Miller County has high rates of crime, poverty, homelessness, lower socioeconomic status, lower education, and poorer health outcomes of residents as opposed to nearby counties. Wagner Elementary is located in an area of the county where many of these social and economic burdens are highly concentrated. The school is situated in one of the “roughest” neighborhoods, adjacent to a large cluster of sub-standard housing projects. Residents of the housing projects face deplorable living conditions; gang and gun violence and other crimes are common occurrences. Wagner serves approximately 400 students, 25 percent of whom all live in the adjacent housing projects. Many of Wagner’s students face untreated mental health and behavioral issues, learning complications, and physical health challenges such as severe asthma and allergies due to the living conditions in the housing projects. Many students face hunger daily as their families’ experience chronic food insecurity, as well as unsafe environments, including a dangerous walk to and from school. These complications greatly impede students’ ability to learn. Also, violence in the housing project has become so severe it is an additional learning impediment. For example, most of the 125 students who attend Wagner and live in the complex were exposed to a recent gang-related shooting at the complex which resulted in several deaths and multiple injuries. Consequently, many students missed school or were unable to concentrate at school for many weeks after the event. 

Support your presentation with at least five scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources may be included. 

Length: 15-20 slides (with a separate reference slide)

Notes Length: 150-200 words for each slide

Be sure to include citations for quotations and paraphrases with references in APA format and style where appropriate. Save the file as PPT with the correct course code information. Upload your document, and then click the Submit to Dropboxbutton. 

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