Attached I have posted the text book: This assignment is on chapter 4

Please type your answers on a separate sheet and label them
1 through 6.  Do not include the
questions.  I strongly recommend reading
the chapter and watching my lecture video before starting this assignment.  The questions below require analysis and
critical thinking please give yourself enough time to answer each
question.  Please utilize the Academic
Tutoring Center and have them review your work if you scored less than an 80 on
the last assignment.  A minimum of 5
sentences is requested for each question. 
Please no bullets, bold, images, or definitions.  Write your answers in sentences in a
paragraph.  Use your own words when
answering the questions below. 


The following criteria will be used to grade your paper.  Points will be deducted if there are less
than 5 sentences per question.  Points
will be deducted if the grammar does not communicate the answer clearly. 

Question 1-
Were both the unconscious and conscious explained in detail? Were they
compared? 20 points


Question 2 –
Were all 5 parts of both A and B answered correctly? 20 points


Question 3- Did
you answer all 3 questions correctly? This question is looking at your
critical thinking.  Were you able to
explain how the ID, EGO, and SUPEREGO can create disorders through childhood
experiences (environment)? 15 points


Question 4-
Were you able to give a correct example for each of the Ego Defenses? 15


Question 5-
Were you able to explain Karen Horney’s Feminine Psychology and Cultural
Differences in Interpersonal Relationships styles? 20 points


Question 6-
Were you able to explain Nancy Chodorow’s Concept of Triangulation and how
this can influence the personality of a child experiencing parental conflict
at home? 10 points



Question 1- Read the following passage
and answer the question.

The Topographic Model

In his 1900 book, The
Interpretation of Dreams
, Freud introduced his topographic
model of the mind, which contended that the mind could be divided into
three regions: conscious, preconscious, and unconscious. The conscious part of
the mind holds information that you’re focusing on at this moment—what you’re
thinking and feeling right now. The preconscious contains material that is
capable of becoming conscious but is not conscious at the moment because your
attention is not being directed toward it. You can move material from the
preconscious into consciousness simply by focusing your attention on it.
Consider, for example, what you had for dinner last night. A moment ago that
information was preconscious; now it’s conscious, because you “pulled it up”
into consciousness. (Not to worry, in a few moments it will be preconscious
again, and you can move on to more important things.)

The unconscious—the most controversial part of the
topographic model—contains anxiety-producing material (for example, sexual
impulses, aggressive urges) that are deliberately repressed (held outside of conscious awareness as
a form of self-protection because they make you uncomfortable). The terms consciouspreconscious,
and unconscious continue to be
used today in psychology, and research has provided considerable support for Freud’s
thinking regarding conscious and preconscious processing (Erdelyi,
1985, 2004). The existence of the unconscious remains controversial, with
some researchers arguing that evidence for it is compelling and others
contending that “unconscious” processing can be accounted for without positing
the existence of a Freudian repository of repressed wishes and troubling urges
and impulses (Eagle, 2011; Luborsky & Barrett, 2006).


Question 1- According
to Freud, what is the difference between the unconscious and the
conscious?  Explain both and how they are
different. (20 points).


Question 2- Read the table below on Freud’s Psychosexual
stages and answer the questions below.



Question 2-

Tom is 35 months old.  He is about to
start nursery and is toilet trained.  The
preschool told Tom’s parents that he could not start preschool unless he was
toilet trained.  Mom and Dad desperately
needed the free preschool program since they both work and cannot afford to pay
for childcare so they started toilet training Tom when he was 18 months.  At 18 months, they diligently timed when they
thought he would have to urinate.  They
consistently asked him if he had to go. 
They forced him out of all activities to ensure that he would use the
toilet. They were punitive and scolded him when he urinated or defecated in the
diaper.  Tom was toilet trained in 2
weeks.  Since he started preschool, he
has been overly cautious with most things. 
He is fearful of getting the teacher mad and often refuses to go to
school.  He will only use the toilet at
home for fear of being chastised and he will not use outdoor restrooms.  He also worries often about making a
mess.  He will not play in the dirt or
get dirty as he is fearful he will get punished. 


According to Freud what psychosexual stage is Tom in? What is the developmental
task at this stage? Do you think that Tom is “fixated” at this stage?  How have his early childhood experiences
influenced his personality?  What
traits/characteristics has he developed? What mental health disorder is he at
risk of developing in the future? (10 points)


Question 2-

Tamara is 5 years old and still drinking out of a baby bottle.  When she is not drinking out of the baby
bottle, she is sucking her thumb.  Tamara
is very obese and her doctor and parents are very concerned about her physical
and mental health as she continuously needs to have something in her
mouth.  During lunch time at school she
tries to steal food from the counters and the lunch staff has to constantly
watch her as he eats everything she gets her hand on.  As a baby, Tamara’s mom was constantly
worried that she was not drinking enough formula so she overfed her.  Even when Tamara pushed the bottle away Mom
would keep the bottle in her mouth as she was worried Tamara would not grow
properly if she did not drink.  When
Tamara started eating solid foods no restrictions were placed on her
eating.  Mom would often buy her sugary
and fatty foods.  Mom would always praise
Tamara when she finished several plates of food.  Mom also suffers from Binge-eating Disorder
but never received psychological treatment.


According to Freud what psychosexual stage is Tamara in? What is the
developmental task at this stage? Do you think that Tamara is “fixated” at this
stage?  How have her early childhood
experiences influenced her personality? 
What traits/characteristics has she developed? What mental health
disorder is she at risk of developing in the future? (10 points)


Question 3. Read the following passage and answer the


The Structural Model (Sigmund Freud)

Freud developed a complementary framework
to account for normal and abnormal personality development—the structural
model—which posits the existence of three interacting mental structures called
the id, ego, and superego.
The id is the seat of drives and instincts,
whereas the ego represents the logical,
reality-oriented part of the mind, and the superego is
basically your conscience—the moral guidelines, rules, and
that guide your behavior. (You acquire these through your family and through the
culture in which you were raised.)

According to
the structural model, our personality reflects the interplay of these three
psychic structures, which differ across individuals in relative power and
influence. When the id predominates and instincts rule, the result is an
impulsive personality style. When the superego is strongest, moral prohibitions
reign supreme, and a restrained, overcontrolled personality ensues. When the
ego is dominant, a more balanced set of personality traits develop (Eagle,
2011; McWilliams, 2009).


Question 3- After reading the above passage and watching this week’s
lecture video answer the following:


A.      If a person’s ID is in control what
kind of disorders many they develop? (5 points)

B.      If a person’s SUPEREGO is in control,
what kind of disorders may they develop?(5 pts)

C.      Explain how the EGO balances the ID
and SUPEREGO in a healthy personality. (5 pts)


Question 4:
Freud’s Ego Defenses (also known as Defense Mechanisms)


explained that the ego defenses above although not healthy, except for
sublimation, help us cope with stress. 
Give an example of each of the ego defenses above.  (15 points)


5 –

A.    In
at least 5 sentences, explain Karen Horney’s Feminine Psychology which is a
shifting perspective on Psychodynamic Theory.  (10 points)

B.    In
at least 5 sentences, explain Karen Horney’s cultural differences
in Interpersonal Relationship Styles (include exchange and communal
relationships). (10 points)


Question 6-
In at least 5 sentences please explain Nancy Chodorow’s concept of
Triangulation.  How might this hurt a child’s
personality when parents are in conflict or experiencing
separation/divorce?   (10 points)








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