to create the “Ideal Insurance Plan”. This isn’t the kind of paper where you simply express how you feel about this plan, but one that has verifiable research on what has failed in the past, and why your proposal would be better. This is not a politically charged assignment, so please leave out your political narrative. This plan you will create is not another program for people that already receive insurance through the government. Your insurance plan must include the cost for a premium, an annual deductible, copay, and any out of pocket cost. For example, if you think an ideal insurance plan would include cosmetic surgery, what percentage of the procedure do you think it should cover? Please remember that this plan should be for the average consumer, and a great alternative to the typical plan available to the public. Please consider a sliding scale for premiums, however. This plan is designed for working people making less than $50,000 a year and do not qualify for state coverage. It also can be an alternative to some group policies that offer the least amount of coverage.
here are the things you must include in your final project:
1) Have an opening paragraph which includes a thesis statement.
2) Your project will have a main body, and a vault solid conclusion paragraph reinforcing why your insurance plan is so reasonable.
3) Your project must be solid enough to withstand scrutiny and a line of questioning which allows you to defend your position.
4) Your work must be devoid of personal statements such as, “I think”, or “I feel”.
5) Consider a three dimensional approach to the economic feasibility of your plan.
6) Make mention of who qualifies for your plan, and how it differs from existing models.
7) Through your research you may want to compare plans that were successful in the past. This should be limited to the US, however.
8) Mention your selling points to our government and consider whether it would pass; devoid of who is running the senate floor at the time.
9) Who would run your insurance plan? Is it the government, state, or a private company?
10) Who would preside over this agency? (Only if it’s a private entity.)
The Ideal Insurance Plan Final Project Rubric