READ: The Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) is a 21-item self-reporting questionnaire for evaluating the severity of depression in normal and psychiatric populations [1,2]. Developed by Beck et al. in 1961, it relied on the theory of negative cognitive distortions as central to depression [3]. It underwent revisions in 1978: the BDI-IA and 1996 and the BDI-II, both copyrighted [4]. The BDI-II does not rely on any particular theory of depression and the questionnaire has been translated into several languages.
Instruction: Take the BDI test ( excel format) based on how you feel for the last two weeks. Then, base on the result, explain the cause(s) of your depression(if you have one), and identify what particular (practical applications) steps you need to take to overcome your depression. If you don’t have any depression , explain the reason of not having anything and what advise or steps would you recommend to anybody who has depression and explain why. Then find in the internet, or read books about helpful hints, studies or conditions related to depression. Summarize and post your findings in your paper. Please put your citations to avoid plagiarism. Write a two page paper ( or more ) 12 font, double space and regular margin in answering the questions.