1. You should begin the essay with a brief introduction, giving some background to your work.
2. Then discuss the importance of CSR and organisational culture in internationalisation, using relevant frameworks and theories backed up with academic references.
3. Also present real life case study samples of companies which dealt with organisational culture related issues during their internationalisation process and critically discuss the organisations’ reactions to this problem. We would like to see plenty of good and bad examples. It’s important to support your “critics” with relevant academic references throughout.
4. At the end summarise the key lessons learned from the case studies.
5. It is essential that you use (properly referenced to in the text using the Harvard system) current information from the internet, news items etc. which pertain to Global issues, as well as using relevant academic journal
articles and books.
6. The word count is 4800 words, +/- 10%, which means that assignments
with word counts in the range of 4320 words to 5280 words are acceptable. 7. The references should be included as a Reference List at the end of the
assignment. It is not included in the word count.