- design the content based on the proposal in the attachment
- prepare slides for exploring a current HRM challenge in Google company
- Provide handouts or pre-post material if useful
- Criteria for Presentations: Content (accurate and relevant); style (engaging); novelty (latest thinking);
- examples (company illustrations); implications (clear, straightforward). Answer the following:
- What is the nature of the HRM problem?
- What are the causes of the HRM problem?
- How can HRM concepts be applied and extended to solve the problem?
- What specific action steps should the organization take to solve the problem? What changes should be implemented? BE AS SPECIFIC AS POSSIBLE TO BE ACTIONABLE
- What are the potential barriers, obstacles, and challenges to following your recommendations?
- How will you overcome potential adoption/’change management’ resistance to your solutions?
- Google as a large company facing a HRM challenge about which there is available public information, or personal / work experience. Define the HRM challenge and the issues causing it. Discuss actions taken by the company (or industry) to address the challenge and add your own analysis and recommendations using both the course material and material from other sources for HRM themes such as above. Explain the rationale for your recommendations (e.g., drawing on organizational psychology or HRM course concepts). Mention other companies that have tried approaches that might be considered, if applicable. If possible, take advantage of using webinars, Youtube clips or other devices in your presentation to bring the topic to life. Make whatever assumptions are required due to the lack of available internal company data.
- Background of company and challenge; analysis of issues causing or related to the challenge; relevant research, benchmarking examples; and proposed solutions.
- Include references, citations and exhibits in an Appendix.