Title: “Creating Synergies between Traditional Brick-and-Mortar Stores and Online Services: A Case Study of Walmart in the Retail Industry”

Research Project
An up to 20-page double-spaced report will be prepared to showcase your research, not including
accompanying bibliography. 

The report should be a professional-looking document that relies heavily
on the topic discussed in class to draw its conclusions.
Your industry and competitive analysis report should follow the following structure: 
The title summarizes your study’s main idea or ideas. A good title contains the fewest possible
words that adequately describe the contents and/or purpose of your research paper. If the title is too
long it usually contains too many unnecessary words, e.g., “A Study to Investigate the….” On the other
hand, a title which is too short often uses words which are too general. For example, “The U.S.
Pharmaceutical Industry” could be the title of a research paper, but it does not provide any information
on the focus of the research. A better title could be: “A New Business Model for Pharma: How the
Pandemic Changed Priorities.”
I. The Research Statement. The research statement conveys the overall intent of the study
i.e., why you are writing this report. The purpose of the statement is to guide your research
and it must be clear, specific, and informative to stimulate readers’ interest. 
II. Macro-analysis. Use the PEST/PESTEL framework to identify emerging trends in the
macro-environment of the selected industry. Although this is a broad discussion of the
emerging trends that could influence the industry, the emphasis should be on trends related
to your research statement. 
III. Industry Analysis. The five-forces framework for industry analysis is the main tool to be
used in this part of the research which has two parts:
a. Describe the current structure of the industry and its ability to capture part of the value it
b. Next, explain how your findings in the macro-analysis section could impact the industry’s
structure in the future and its ability to capture value.
Department of Technology Management and Innovation
IV. Situation Analysis. Select a company within the industry and use SWOT analysis to
understand the company’s situation within the industry.
a. Strengths and Weaknesses (SW) refers to the current internal environment of the firm which
will be analyzed with the use of the business model canvas.
b. Opportunities and Threats (OT) refers to the emerging external environment of the firm i.e.,
the work in the PEST and industry structure sections of the research.
c. How the current business model is expected to perform within the emerging external
V. Business Model Innovation. Complete your report with a statement like “Given the
expected changes in the structure of the industry, it is advisable for the focus company to
implement the proposed business model modifications” followed by a description of the
improved business mode
A research statement (maximum length one to two pages) should be submitted for approval. It
should include the preliminary title of the research paper, and it will introduce a question which
could be further explored through research. A good research question involves more efforts than just
a guess. It is a specific testable research hypothesis about what you expect to happen in an industry.
The research paper will be evaluated along the following dimensions:
NOTE:  This is my research statement ” Research

This research examines the potential benefits and challenges associated
with integrating traditional brick-and-mortar stores with online services in
the retail industry, with a specific focus on Walmart. By leveraging physical and digital channels, retailers seek to enhance customer experiences,
improve operational efficiency, and achieve a competitive advantage in the
evolving market landscape.”

The writer provides a clear research statement and concluding remarks that are fully
supported by the analysis. The paper ties together information, and it flows from one topic to the next.
Integration of Knowledge. The paper demonstrates that the authors fully understand and can
synthesize using the concepts learned in the course.
Spelling & Grammar. No spelling and/or grammar mistakes. The paper should have a professional
Citations. The paper cites all data and text obtained from other sources. It employs a uniform style
throughout the paper.
Academic writing follows specific styles, and each style has different peculiarities and distinctive
features. The most common styles are: American Psychological Association (APA) style, Modern
Language Association (MLA) style, and the Chicago style. Use the one that fits your style, but be
consistent. Notice that Word will format your paper based on the selected style. 

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