Note: Choose 1 video link from each section (Elementary, Middle, High School).
*List attached
A. Watch a video listed in the elementary list and do the following:
1. Describe one example of a teacher applying Piaget’s or Vygotsky’s cognitive development theories.
2. Explain why the example in A1 is an application of Piaget’s or Vygotsky’s cognitive development theories.
B. Watch a video listed in the middle school list and do the following:
1. Describe one learning barrier.
2. Describe one example of a teacher addressing the learning barrier in B1.
C. Watch a video listed in the high school list and do the following:
1. Describe one example of a teacher applying Bloom’s Taxonomy.
2. Explain why the example in C1 is an application of Bloom’s Taxonomy.
D. Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.