This is for dissertation review. The audiance are subject mater experts. The quality of the paper should be clear, supported with resources, free from personal experiences and unbias. Attached is copy of the format that will be used to write the assigment and strictly followed. The submitted paper should match that of the attached document.
The overview of the dissertation-in-practice is complete and clear. Descriptions of the proposed methodology and design are clear and comprehensively address the problem and purpose statement. Components of the project/dissertation-in-practice design, variables/constructs, instruments, and analyses are clear, thorough, and present.
The significance of the problem is well-presented and clear. The local problem is connected to the larger population issues/impacts.
The purpose for the project/dissertation-in-practice is complete and clear. Key elements are adequately addressed and align with the stated problem. A clear summary of how the project/dissertation-in-practice will be conducted is offered. Project/dissertation-in-practice details are supported; and have coherence, clarity, and alignment
The hypotheses (quantitative studies or
projects/dissertations-in-practice only) are
complete, are coherent and clear, are singular,
balanced and testable, and are aligned to problem,
purpose, methodology, and design.
The conceptual framework and/or identified theories
used to frame the project/dissertation-inpractice are appropriate, and clearly identified and
explained through use of the literature and practice. Key
elements are adequately addressed, all points
are well supported. Presents coherence, clarity, and
alignment in the framework.
provided for how they interrelate within the context of
the project/dissertation-in-practice topic and literature.
The definitions of key terms are complete and clear.
Personal descriptions are not used. There is use of
scholarship-defined language rather than common
words. Definitions include methods and theoretical
terms. Definitions are in alphabetical order and include
appropriate citations.