Please answer these three questions. Use the materials we went over in class – no outside sources. Try to be as comprehensive, reflective and insightful as you can. I’ll be grading these essays based on in your ability to tie together the readings in a coherent narrative of your choosing.
All course powerpoints and video links will be attached/ listed.
Video links
1. Discuss stratification, social inequality, hierarchy. Provide an overview of the theories of social class. How have race and ethnicity affected life chances in health, education, income, and the criminal-justice system, for both whites/non whites?
2.Discuss the concepts social change, and collective behavior in the context of the issues we have discussed in class (feel free to also bring in some of the videos). Tie together a thematic essay that provides both a sociological as well as an historical view of movement politics.
3. Tell me five things you learned from this course. Be clear, specific, cite passages (readings) or discussions we had that left an impact on your understanding of how we look at, think about society.